Michun Radant
Michun Radant | Art Director


Done During Lunch

michun radant soylent advertising packaging

Product: Soylent is a brand of meal replacement that meets all nutritional requirements for an average adult

Insight: It seems like we never have enough time to do the things we love, but drinking Soylent can save us time so we can achieve more.

Idea: We want to explore what can be done with the time saved by Soylent at the same time encourage creation by featuring work done during lunch submitted by Soylent customers across platforms. 


michun radant soylent home page


A submission portal for people to submit projects for this campaign

soylent michun radant portal
michun radant soylent submit

michun radant soylent product


Product packaging featuring ideas/projects submitted by customers that were created during lunch with the time saved by drinking Soylent. featured work will be credited and also include s link to see more work 



links on products lead to social media posts with images of projects and videos of it being created.



An out door LCD board that shows the "Done During Lunch" creation process with a countdown timer.




partner with local art events or museums to install a Soylent gallery to show case projects.